Petersham's community favourite
This is a quiet suburb in Sydney’s inner-west, until you reach a small eatery with a massive yellow sign above it. Whether you’re an old or new customer, Sharon Kwan’s gregrious personality has made her shop the go-to place for Malaysian street food.
Bringing the legend online
Google My Business
Sharon already had a stellar Google rating. However, there were many comments that were unanswered (Sharon is busy!).
Website Creation
We created an engaging place for customers to find all information.
Articles about Malaysian food
Being a relatively lesser known Asian cuisine in Australia, we wrote about traditional and favourite dishes in Malaysian culture.
Connect with local groups
There are many Malaysian cuisine fan groups. These are great places to share about new restaurant menu items.
Connecting with customers
Being the go-to place for takeaway, Sharon had many people commenting and sending her social media messages. Replying to them helped to grow her brand further and bring more customers from different regions of Sydney.
Establish an engaging presence
Our know-how with content strategy helped to introduce Sharon's Malaysian cooking to more Sydney foodies.
Interviewed by the Sydney weekender team at Channel 7!
What a pleasure it was to meet Mel Symons and her wonderful Sydney Weekender crew. After hearing about Sharon Kwan Kitchen’s popularity, they came for a lively interview and food tasting. After being featured on national TV, it’s onwards and upwards for Sharon’s Malaysian street food eatery.