A 3-minute walk from Mascot train station

You’ll find Nikaido Mascot, a Japanese restaurant specialising in yakiniku. The spacious interior, modern styling and touch-screen ordering makes this an engaging Japanese BBQ experience. 

Oh, and look out for the cute robot that delivers your order straight to your table.

Premium cuts of Wagyu beef

Starting from scratch

VisionVivo came on board when Nikaido Mascot's Instagram had just started.

Blogger collaborations

We organised nano and micro-influencers to come to the venue, try the yakiniku, and share about their experience on social media.

Photography and Videography

Our content creation centred around showing the mouthwatering grilled food and modern decor.

Google Management

We oversaw feedback received via Google Business, replied to reviews, and reported important issues to restaurant management.

Graphic Design

We pro-actively notified the restaurant of upcoming public dates which could be capitalised on for promotional announcements.

Search Engine listing

On Koalamate (our sibling platform), we published an introduction article. It is currently listed on Google search results' first page.

Since October 2022

In the beginning, not many people knew where Nikaido Mascot was located.
It’s close to the train station, but actually tucked away inside Adina Hotel.
With VisionVivo’s social media management, a local community grew, bringing more diners to Nikaido’s mouthwatering yakiniku experience.