Sydney's Go-to Asian Emporium

The distinctive orange logo of Miracle Supermarkets signals a place where much-loved Asian products and household items can be found.

Familiar, diverse and family-friendly

Brand Website

Miracle wanted to appear more in search engine results when terms like "Asian groceries" were typed into Google. Through our SEO guidance, we achieved higher month-on-month visits and wider discoverability.

Instagram and Facebook

There is always something exciting about the latest Japanese snack or Korean cooking product. We encouraged this excitement through informative and engaging features on social media.

Customer Competitions

Who doesn't like a lucky draw? For Miracle, we ran Christmas giveaway campaigns which brought about significant attention and wider brand reach.

Google My Business

With 8 stores across New South Wales, it was important to claim and tidy up each of Miracle's Google pages. We ensured the accuracy of information for public relations.

English Copywriting

To achieve better SEO (search engine optimisation) results, as well as to introduce Asian products to local Aussies, we developed Miracle's website blog.

Graphic Design

It was important for Miracle's family-friendly vibe to be translated into its promotions. After all, many of the current Asian-Aussie generation Y or Z's have grown up visiting the supermarkets with their parents.

8 supermarkets across Sydney

After engaging VisionVivo, Miracle Supermarkets achieved continual uplift in customer reach and brand awareness. As shown in regular reporting, metrics such as Page Visits, Screen Impressions and Post Engagements all improved during each month of our digital management.